Cookies? Bare Minimum. Alright, let’s talk cookies (sadly, not the edible kind). Our site uses the bare minimum. Since there’s no commenting, those cookies are off the table. If you ever need to log in, sure, we’ll use cookies to remember your info so you don’t have to keep typing it in. They’re just here to save you time and disappear when they’ve served their purpose.

Embedded Content: It’s Like a Window to Another World. Sometimes I might include content from other websites. It’s like looking through a window into another digital space – their rules apply over there.

Holding onto Your Data: Not a Hoarder, Promise. No comments here, so nothing to store indefinitely. As for registered users (if that ever becomes a thing), you’re in control. You can check out, edit, or delete your personal info, except for your username – that’s your digital footprint.

Where Your Data Goes: Just on Spam Patrol. No comments, so no need for spam checks on those. But if that changes, just so you know, they might go through a spam detector